Trust the Process


Eiffel Tower (Paris, France)

It’s the second half of the year. Can you believe it? I’m in my seventh country in the seventh month of the year (Really eighth country if I count my overnight stay in Oman due to visa expiration — LOL!). Still, I do not have any regrets about my decision “to drop my whole life in the U.S.” It’s been an adventure. I’ve learned a lot about myself — strengths, weaknesses, downfalls, likes, dislikes, limitations, emotions. My aim is clarity for my life purpose and the individuals I was created to serve. Most importantly, I’m learning to trust the process.

I found a commencement speech given by Steve Jobs in 2005 at Stanford University. It was profound. I’ve saved it in my YouTube playlist and listened to it several times. He dropped some excellent nuggets that resonate with the space I’m currently holding in my life. He told three stories about “Connecting the Dots,” “Love & Loss,” and “Death.” Below are three excerpts from his speech that are relevant to anyone’s path of self-discovery.

The London Eye (London, UK)

Connecting the Dots

“If I had never dropped out, I would have never dropped in on this calligraphy class, and personal computers might not have the wonderful typography that they do. Of course, it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college. But it was very, very clear looking backwards ten years later.”

He confirmed what I believed all along. After dropping “my whole life in the U.S.,” it was not part of my plan to be in my seventh or eighth country mid-year (three at the most). I was happy with relaxing this year and embracing being the housewife of a footballer. But God had other plans. So I’m allowing the dots to connect and in turn, will trust the process. Believing, it will all make sense one day.

Top: El Retiro Park (Madrid, Spain), Bottom: V&A Waterfront (Capetown, South Africa)

Love & Loss

“You’ve got to find what you love….Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.”

Another awesome life nugget and confirmation I’m on the right path. Recently, I started a list of “Things I love.” I have no hesitation in editing a speech or in starting a blog post or research a new place to travel or reading a book. Goes without saying that I enjoy writing, I love speaking, I love exploring, and I love a good book. I’m taking the time to immerse myself entirely into what brings me joy this year. I trust the process will reveal my life’s optimal assignment.

Left: Elmina Castle (Accra, Ghana); Right: Nairobi National Park (Nairobi, Kenya)


“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your inner voice. And most important, dare to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”

Aha (again)!

I was strategic about concealing my plan to move over 7,500 miles away. I did not want people to impose their fears upon me and affect my life choice.

Another nugget dropped, death is inevitable. Some may go later than others, but we all are going to die. A hard reality to face. I can say this is why I took my leap of faith. Why play it safe? If I’m going to die anyway.

I lost focus in the beginning. Probably why God separated me from my husband for a brief stint, he can be a distraction, in a good way, if you catch my drift.

Al Badiyah Mosque (Fujairah, United Arab Emirates)

I’m back to working on my most crucial masterpiece and product — ME. To do the life work I was created for.

Every day I’m working on my mind by reading, body by exercising and making healthier food choices and soul by praying (sometimes fasting) and meditating. I’m practicing to listen more to my inner voice. Most importantly, I’m practicing to obey my inner voice.

This new way of working will aid me in reaching the highest, truest, fullest expression of myself. Join me in “finding yourself,” and discovering new ways of thinking, new ways of living, and new ways of working. You’re invited!

July 19 Prayer Plug

I’m so grateful You make me uncomfortable, Lord! When I’m uncomfortable, it’s a clear sign I’m growing. I won’t grumble about not knowing all the answers because it’s increasing my faith & making me wiser. I want a life of spiritual, emotional, mental & physical growth so I understand why You have to stretch me in every area. You’ve already written my destiny & You know exactly what I need to overcome every battle! Bless me with peace through the process & gratitude for the lessons. I learn through the journey. I want Your abundant ways to shine in my life. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Join the conversation.

“How are you presently “trusting the process” in your life?”



Finding Chalanda Michelle | Growth Autodidact

I aspire to be a Rich Haute Housewife living a leisure, lavish, luxury lifestyle with around the clock staff b/t 4 estates around the globe. Can you help me?